About us

You are interested in cooperation with Aktion Minibrot? Then you should know KLJB!

Aktion Minibrot and the Catholic Agricultural Rural Youth Movement in the archdiocese of Paderborn e. V. (KLJB) are closely connected. The movement itself is the operator of the development programme Aktion Minibrot.

Besides, KLJB is part of the Catholic Church and is registered as a non-governmental and non-profit organization. KLJB`s general purpose is to service the children and youth in the rural districts in the western central of Germany. Since the early 1990th KLJB is cooperating with partners from Asia and Africa in different project activities as a result of initiating Aktion Minibrot.

Since 2003 more than eighty-nine projects have been supported by Aktion Minibrot.

Aktion Minibrot wants to serve the poor, weak, disadvantaged and underprivileged people living in rural areas. KLJB`s mission is to encourage children and adolescents to use their knowledge, talents and capabilities so that they can strive for an improvement of their own living conditions by Aktion Minibrot. The development service is based on Christian core values. Therefore, it is no matter which gender, religion, ethnic background or believe future partners and participants might have. The vision is to enable those who are in need to lead a self-determined life. A special concern of the aid programme is to ensure representation of the interests of young persons in rural areas so that they can fully participate in society and decision taking. Aktion Minibrot`s vision is to (re-)activate peoples` capabilities to create a democratic environment with fair chances.

KLJB is highly committed to the development of rural living space as a chance to generate sustainable effects for ecological, social and economic development. For this reason, funds from Aktion Minibrot will be granted exclusively for projects that will ensure economic, ecologic and social sustainability. Apart from the time of cooperation projects must continue in the foreseeable future when the conduction of funds has been completed already. Consequently, projects need to have a concept how to remain stable and independent from further donations.

How we work

As a movement KLJB is democratically organized. For decision taking and political representation different bodies and committees have been installed. The most important body for Aktion Minibrot is the board of KLJB who must agree to all kind of funding and cooperation.

Anyway, all communication and transactions of Aktion Minibrot will be operated by the decision team of Aktion Minibrot. The decision team is a specific committee consisting of experts for project funding. Every decision taken in order to grant or reject funds of Aktion Minibrot will be prepared by the decision team and discussed in detail. The members of the team work voluntarily but meetings will be held regularly. Nevertheless, the huge number of projects the decision team must deal with at the same time often causes a delay of time in proceeding. For that reason, we might apologize in advance. Proposals will be discussed in chronological order in which they have been received. We highly advise applicants to only hand in complete information to speed up the procedure of deliberation over the proposals.

Fund Raising

KLJB has an average of 3200 youth members in the diocese of Paderborn who highly participate in supporting the development programme Aktion Minibrot. Many of them organize fundraising activities for Aktion Minibrot in their communities. In addition to that parishes and private persons and former KLJB members do also involve themselves in generating funds.

The English Translation for “Aktion Minibrot” is Mini-Bread Campaign. It might not be surprising that the name was put into action! On Thanksgiving small breads will be donated to the community members to value their support for Aktion Minibrot. The bread is also used as a symbol reminding on the severe situation of food shortage partners of Aktion Minibrot suffer from.

Besides, information about the successes of the projects and partners will be provided.

Luckily many supporters won’t take the bread without leaving another donation for additional project support!

Campaign on Thanksgiving

KLJB does not only focus on the financial support of development projects on a small scale but is also interested in a change of mindset. Therefor KLJB and its` members understand themselves as advocates for the project partners and their needs.

An annual campaign which combines fundraising and education for sustainable development was implemented many years ago. This annual campaign takes place around Thanksgiving and is focused on a spread of information. Apart from awareness creation about Aktion Minibrot and the project activities in general, it is also pointing the needs of the project partners according to the social, political and economic background in the countries. One core goal of the intervention is to make people feel responsible for their behaviour to create fair conditions all over the world.

The so-called donation initiative „Aktion Minibrot“ became the name of the campaign, also.

Cooperation with KLJB – Access to Project Funding by Aktion Minibrot

All regulations about a cooperation with Aktion Minibrot are described in these guidelines. To prevent from miscommunication KLJB advises to study these guidelines in-depth before processing. To start the process of registration every applicant is requested to fill out the enclosed form for the obligation of Funds from Aktion Minibrot in detail and add all information needed before passing to KLJB Aktion Minibrot.

The applicant must be transparent in communication and must show up any information that will be requested by the decision team in order to fully understand the project and keep the project running. The decision team will make sure to communicate the results of discussion to the applicant in given time.

When funding was approved an agreement will be signed between KLJB and the project partner to be clear about contractual obligations. Once a partner fails to fulfil the obligations KLJB reserves the right to claim a refund of the payments made by Aktion Minibrot.

Please be aware that each cooperation excludes a financial support for an individual or for construction of buildings, only.

Portfolio of current cooperation

  • Integrated Afforestation, Conservation, Tree Planting and Beekeeping in Madaba Division, TANZANIA (17.657€)
  • Action in Cororna Crises in Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Telangana States, INDIA (5.918€)
  • Project funding for vocational skills training for all, UGANDA (7.158€)
  • Youth and women poverty reduction through the use of sustainable solar technologies for fishery on Lake Victoria, TANZANIA (40.776€)
  • Appropriate Beekeeping project for income generation and improvement of youth livelihood around Meru District, TANZANIA (24.573€)
  • Family Poultry in Chabona Village, Kabwe, ZAMBIA (9.991€)

Forms and Regulations for Download

You would like to become partner of Aktion Minibrot, or you are already having a cooperation agreement?

In this section KLJB provides all information such as the guidelines and policies, the forms, files and links to additional information partners and future partners will need while communicating to KLJB about project funding.

Guides and Information

Application Forms

Forms for Reporting after cooperation


Aktion Minibrot KLJB im Erzbistum Paderborn Leostraße 21 33098 Paderborn


www.aktion-minibrot.com www.kljb-paderborn.de facebook.com/KLJBDVPaderborn instagram.com/KLJB_Paderborn